
Daily writing prompt
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time?

Self-expression through painting and sketching, I haven’t done for some time. I have this expectation that whenever I decide to paint it must always “look” nice instead of just me trying to interpret the world around me. So, yeah… I hope I didn’t outgrow painting and sketching, I should really start any project.

Do you also have this point-of-view? Did you overcome it? How did you overcome it?


Daily writing prompt
How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?

It showed me that everything is fleeting. Everything I worried about or fussed about will pass. And that in the end I will have to face things on own, alone. I guess it is more bittersweet.

Cut my ‘tou-fa’

Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done.

I have been wanting to cut my hair short but I’m too anxious to go to a hair salon. To some they don’t mind the people but this simple activity, I just simply dread it. I should really find someone who cuts hair at home.

But today’s the last best day to cut my hair before Chinese New Year. So, I am contemplating of having my older sis cut my hair. The tricky part about my hair is its curly. They need to iron it before cutting. Hahaha

Praying that I decide before the mall closes and the day ends.

Curry & Egg & Tomato & Tteokbokki

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite thing to cook?

I really enjoy eating so I just naturally enjoy the process of cooking. I usually experiment on usual recipes but sometimes just follow what’s written. My most favorite things to cook are Curry (Asian curries), Egg & Tomato, and Tteokbokki.

I developed this love for Egg & Tomato when I kept eating at Chinese restaurants, I eventually learned the recipe and I enjoy how easy and convenient it is to cook.

For Tteokbokki, we used to have this Korean Mart near our home, so I usually buy the ingredients and cook it on our slow cooker or the colorful clay pots.

Had to share it with siblings

Daily writing prompt
Write about your first computer.

“My” First Computer was an “Our” or “Hour” Computer. I had to share it with my siblings and we had to limit usage for each. At first I wasn’t really into it until my siblings taught me how to play STARCRAFT with some tipping cows, and occasional car racing PC Games. The obsession just snowballed. My current game of choice now though is MOBILE LEGENDS. I tend to stick to one game for years. I do remember also playing this online multiplayer game where you try to hit the opposing team by angling the shot based on current wind speeds, consider distance and if there are tornados in between (digging the name of that game in my brain).

And I remember I had a lot of online guy friends when I got into that game that I can’t remember. Also, had a constant guy best friend text/call mate during those years. I miss those times. I don’t remember so much about the conversations now but I still remember being heard then.

Shoutout to that friend!

Everything to do with running

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

I don’t watch sports matches but I really truly enjoyed playing soccer. But if there was track & field in my school I would probably choose running too. I like soccer because I get to run, and sometimes body someone. I don’t enjoy tackle but I like sporty pushing. I always had the defender role. I wasn’t the brightest in terms of tactics and up until now I procrastinate on learning tactics. As an athlete, I really think I’m too simple-minded and not so competitive. I didn’t really have that need to prove or win. I just did what was required in the moment, don’t let the ball pass through, if you get the ball, pass to teammates. Yeah, I was too simple-minded about everything back then. But I did complicate emotions, myself, my mind… I never really thought how soccer helped me cope with my mind then. It would’ve been much worse if I didn’t have it. I loved running but was too anxious to go out and run. But with soccer I get an excuse.

If money wasn’t an issue what would I choose?

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

THE VERY FIRST THING I WOULD DO would be keeping my 10% account in a bank, insurance or cooperative account or buy some of it as gold. Another 10% for my personal use. Gift 20% to family. 10% to savings. 10% to charity and support a few scholarship funds. 10% to start a dream business or businesses and also get a staff. 30% keep on government bond or something and also buy a new home and part of that maybe to gift people who inspired me.

That reminds me to keep a gratitude journal…or list of people who inspired me….***


Today is just January 1 but something’s up with my dynamic in the family unit I’m in. I can’t help but notice how they always call me to do things they don’t want to do and I don’t like it. A part of me is telling me “here we go again.” In an act of defiance I would deliberately delay things. For example, they want me to set the table for our lunch guests while we’re still conversing with the guests. And my mom in particular would nag me until I don’t stand up and do it. If this was me before, I would bottle it up, would do the task, and complain in my head… Now I complain more openly when they ask me to do something. When I ask why can’t my older sibling do it instead or my younger sibling or why don’t you ask them to help me in the task? Why just me? And they would do the whole energetic “Here we go again.” It feels like when I complain, my complaints are unreasonable and petty. All I feel when I voice out something is an energetic, “why don’t you just follow and do it. Find a way.” Maybe, I allowed them to do this to me for so long. I know I contributed to this too but I hope they try and answer my honest questions.

But the cherry on top for today would be being subjected to anger about how to fold this damn plastic bag that I got in the same place she kept it and she herself folded. And she got mad at me for folding it wrong when I wasn’t even the one that folded that damn plastic bag that I got scolded for. So instead, I retreated because I could feel my mouth blabbering words I probably wouldn’t mean when anger subsides. And started playing with my phone and waiting for her to finish what she does best – keep others waiting. While our evening guests were downstairs and I was in my room waiting, she comes in and asks me what I’m doing when I should be entertaining the guests. I told her I was waiting for her to meet them and she started getting mad. And I started getting mad. Then of course my older sibling comes and saves the day as per usual because that’s what both siblings do be the good ones because the bad one is acting up all crazy, demanding, entitled, victim bitch… When it’s still New Year. Because I’m being the spoil sport and got the ‘bad’ gene from my ancestors… Its these moments I wonder if staying alive is a mistake. Maybe I should just stab myself with this knife multiple times. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with the pressure or the guilt and shame when they complain about always using their money. Hopefully they get something from the multiple insurance under my name. I know I didn’t pay for this insurance but at least they get something.

Maybe, they’ll be a happier and more perfect family. Then I don’t need to remind them always of my existence or even insist on my existence with family friends and acquaintances. I don’t have to receive the energetic judgment of many of being the ‘weak link’ in the family.

I’m too tired trying to prove that I exist, that I have a space somewhere here. I don’t need to hold on to them I just need to hold on to me.

everything feels fake

I haven’t been socializing the past few weeks. I’d rather stay at home and do my unproductive things. I find myself in bed most days. I tell myself after this one game or after this one episode, after I take a bath, I’ll do what I’m supposed to do. And it just became a cycle of broken promises to myself. And now, I was scrolling through my feed and every personal post from friends and family of any celebrations of everyone smiling, feels so fake, and to a point I feel fake myself.

I have a lot of things to do and I keep putting them off. In my head I want to start them but I end up greeting the next day not having finished anything. I guess, I can’t find a comfortable conclusion for now.

I’ve researched about it. This feeling of looking at everyone and everything as fake or unreal – in psychology they call it depersonalisation derealisation. They say 2% of the World population have this constant ongoing feeling of everyone and everything is fake. While 75% of the World population may experience this feeling at least once in their lives. But compared to the 75% who experience this as a fleeting moment, the 2% have this consuming feeling throughout their lives.

This must be the effect of stopping my daily meditation. Every idea also seems hard to actualize and follow-through. I don’t even have a motivation to get up sometimes. But I feel a bit better now.

Thank you for listening to another incoherent post.

Note to self: Try Sunya for at least 2 minutes a day no matter where I am. And run someone’s Bars or ask someone to run for meeeeee.