Tag Archives: blogging

Everything to do with running

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

I don’t watch sports matches but I really truly enjoyed playing soccer. But if there was track & field in my school I would probably choose running too. I like soccer because I get to run, and sometimes body someone. I don’t enjoy tackle but I like sporty pushing. I always had the defender role. I wasn’t the brightest in terms of tactics and up until now I procrastinate on learning tactics. As an athlete, I really think I’m too simple-minded and not so competitive. I didn’t really have that need to prove or win. I just did what was required in the moment, don’t let the ball pass through, if you get the ball, pass to teammates. Yeah, I was too simple-minded about everything back then. But I did complicate emotions, myself, my mind… I never really thought how soccer helped me cope with my mind then. It would’ve been much worse if I didn’t have it. I loved running but was too anxious to go out and run. But with soccer I get an excuse.